Building bridges between specialists on computational and empirical risk assessment of engineered nanomaterials


Members of the NanoBRIDGES project presented obtained results at many conferences, seminars and meetings proving the effectiveness of our established cooperation and activ development of our project. Below you will find the current list of presentations:

  • “NanoQSAR: metal oxides nanoparticles toxicity assesment”
    Mokshina E., Richarz A., Cronin M.T.D., Kuz’min V.
    at: Methods and Applications of Computational Chemistry. 5th International Symposium. – Kharkiv, 2013. (p. 129).
  • “Database Creation, Data Quality Assessment and QSAR Models for the Toxicity of Nanoparticles”
    Richarz A.N., Cronin M.T.D., Madden J.C, Lubiński Ł., Mokshina E., Urbaszek P., Puzyn T., Kuz’min V.,
    at: Methods and Applications of Computational Chemistry. 5th International Symposium. – Kharkiv, 2013. (p. 130).
  • “Toxicity of Nanomaterials: Availability and Suitability of Data for the Development of In Silico Models”
    Richarz A.N., Cronin M.T.D., Madden J.C, Lubiński Ł., Mokshina E., Urbaszek P., Puzyn T., Kuz’min V.,
    at: Eurotox 2013: 49th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology. – Interlaken, Switzerland, 2013.
  • “Collection of toxicity, physicochemical and characterisation data to enable modelling of nanomaterial effects”
    Marchese Robinson R.L., Cronin M.T.D., Gajewicz A., Golbamaki B.N., Lubiński Ł., Leszczynski J., Mokshina E., Przybylak K.R., Richarz A.-N., Urbaszek P., Puzyn T.
    at: IMN Nanosafety 2013
  • “Mikroskop AFM jako narzędzie wspomagające ocenę toksyczności nanomateriałów stosowanych w inżynierii tkanki kostnej”
    Woźniak M.J. Oberbek P., Smoleń D., Puzyn T., Hirano S., Kurzydłowski K.J.
    at: “Badania prowadzone metodami skaningowej mikroskopii bliskich oddziaływań – STM/AFM 2012” Zakopane, Poland
  • “Probe – nanoparticle shape convolution, analysis of SPM images of bioceramic used in tissue engineering”
    Wozniak M.J., Chlanda A., Oberbek P. and Kurzydlowski K.J.
    at: 11th European Congress of Stereology and Image Analysis 2013, 8-12 July, 2013, Kaiserslautern, Germany
  • “Nano-apatites for bone tissue engineering – effect of particles structure and chemical composition on cytotoxicity”
    Oberbek P, Bolek T., Idaszek J., Hirano S., Woźniak M.J., Kuśnieruk S., Smoleń D., Kurzydłowski K.J.
    at: E-MRS 2013 Fall Meeting,September 16-20, Warsaw, Poland
  • “Toxicity of Nanomaterials – a Comprehensive Approach on the Example of Hydroxyapatite (HAp) Particles”
    Wozniak M.J., Przemyslaw Oberbek, Tomasz Bolek, Joanna Idaszek, Tomasz Puzyn, Seishiro Hirano and Krzysztof J. Kurzydlowski
    [ISAPS ’13, September 23-27, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey]
  • “A (Q)SAR model for genotoxicity prediction of metal oxide nanoparticles”
    Golbamaki B.N., Rasulev B., Leszczynski J., Benfenati E. and Cronin M.T.D.
    at: Tenth International Symposium on Recent Advances in Environmental Health Research, Jackson Convention Complex, Jackson, MS, USA, September 15-18, 2013
  • “Genotoxicity of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles: A New Predictive (Q)SAR Model”
    Golbamaki B.N., Rasulev B., Leszczynski J., Benfenati E., and Cronin M.T.D.
    at: Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society, 44th Annual Meeting, Monterey, California, September 21–25, 2013
  • “Genotoxicity of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles”
    Golbamaki B.N., Rasulev B., Leszczynski J., Benfenati E., and Cronin M.T.D.
    at: Computational Chemistry and Material Science Conference, 13th Southern School on Computational Chemistry and Material Science Conference, JSU Student Center, August 1 – 2, 2013


University of Gdansk
Faculty of Chemistry
ul. Wita Stwosza 63
80-952 Gdansk

European Commision