21 Nov 2014
Pravin Ambure (JU) in University of Gdańsk (UG) in Gdańsk
I have visited University of Gdansk, Poland, for six months (2.03.2014 to 27.08.2014) working on work package (WP) 4 (Development of novel NanoQSAR methodologies) and 5 (Development of a grouping and read across platform for nanoparticles). The visit was really very fruitful; it helped me a lot in improving the software development skills as well as understanding the basic concepts/algorithms in QSAR/nano-QSAR model development process and validation. In this six month, I have built 6 standalone software tools including nano-Profiler and a database consisting of all the nano-QSAR models (reported/published till now). The software tools which are developed are as follows:
- Nano-Profiler : endpoint-dependent analogues identification software
- AD-MDI: To define and find applicability domain of nano particles based on Model Disturbance Index.
- vWSP: A novel unsupervised variable reduction technique.
- Modified k-Medoids: A fast and modified algorithm for k-Medoid clustering method.
- Genetic Algorithm: A QSAR model development method/variable selection method based on genetic algorithm.
- Stepwise MLR: A variable selection method.
The documentation of these software tools is under process. The above software tools will be uploaded soon online along with the manuals.
Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to Prof. Tomasz Puzyn, Dr. Agnieszka Gajewicz, Mr. Piotr Urbaszek and all other lab colleagues for their kind hospitality. I would specially thank Dr. Pierre Bonifassi, the youngest scientist in our research group (see the photo; the person wearing cap). Poland is truly blessed with beauty and preserved historical values. I felt wonderful to see this pleasant country, kind people and their beautiful culture.