15 Nov 2013
Marek Gołębiowski (UG) at Jackson State University (ICN)
I have visited Jackson State University, Jackson, Mississippi, USA between 03.11.2012 and 28.10.2013 (12 months) within Work Package 2.
The aim of my work was firstly to develop a sampling and analysis method for the determination of chlorophenols and other organic compounds in water, using SPE to collect and concentrate the chlorophenols. The study estimated the influence of different variables which could affect the SPE extraction efficiency – including the type of CNTs, elution solvent, elution volume and elution flow-rate. I hope that my work will be continued by implementing the obtained experimental results in development of analytical methods. Using CNTs as a new solid phase extraction sorbent I have identified and quantified organic compounds in water, soil and sediments collected within Jackson, MS. I have evaluated the toxicity of various organic compounds by Bio-Lumi Toxicity environmental tests. All obtained experimental results were implemented in a QSAR model. Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS), High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) and UV-VIS spectroscopy were used for the determination of organic compounds.
The results were presented at the conferences: “10th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Environmental Health Research, Jackson, 15-18, September, 2013” and “13th Southern School on Computational Chemistry and Materials Science Conference, Jackson, 1-2 August, 2013.” I hope further research will be applied to other groups of CNTs and organic compounds. The NanoBridges project gave me the possibility to familiarize with African-American culture. My visit in Jackson was a very interesting and important experience. I had in Jackson great time and great science.