15 Nov 2013
Monika Paszkiewicz (UG) at Jackson State University (ICN)
I spent 12 month at the Jackson State University, Jackson, Mississippi, USA (from 3 of November 2012 to 28 October 2013), mostly carrying out experiments to check the possibility of application of carbon nanotubes as an tool in analytical chemistry.
My research focused on the development of analytical methods for the isolation of organic compounds (vitamins, ionic liquids, PAHs, sulfonamides) from water samples using carbon nanotubes as stationary phases in SPE. I also checked the possibility of use of carbon nanotubes as stationary phases in HPLC and usefulness of prepared columns for the separation of organic compounds were tested. Sorption capabilities of carbon nanotubes for the removal of sulfonamides and other organic compounds from water was also examined. Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS), High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR), UV-VIS spectroscopy and Bio-Lumi. Toxicity environmental tests for determination of organic compounds were used. The QSAR model was used to all obtained data. Results were presented on “Southern School on Computational Chemistry & Materials Science Conference”, and at the “10th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Environmental Health Research.” Additionally, I have participated in the Summer Institute at JSU during which, I have supervised undergraduate students working on their summer research projects.
My visit in US was one of the most important experiences in my academic career. I had in Jackson great time, great science, and great social experience. I hope that collaboration between host (Jackson State University, Interdisciplinary Center For Nanotoxicity) and home institution (University of Gdansk, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Environmental Analysis) will be continued.